"The oldest hangover remedy is to simply keep drinking. The "hair of the dog" method of self-medication has been around since alcohol was invented, although the canine-related term is actually British (it refers to an old folk remedy for a rabid dog bite)." {Time Magazine}
Well, at this point, it's worth a try. However, for future reference, it might do you well to practice some prevention methods:
The Top Five Hangover Preventions
1. Drink water while drinking alcohol {I've heard this can speed up the process of alcohol, but if it works for you, sweet!}
2. Snack while drinking {Lining the stomach with dry crackers or pretzels can't hurt}
3. Drink high quality alcohol {Premium > Well, enough said}
4. Take B-Complex and Vitamin C {Fortify the body before drinking}
5. Take Ibuprofen {Not aspirin which can cause liver damage when combined with the alcohol in your body}
As far as a cure for the hangover already in place; with all of the "old wives' tales" I've heard, drinking water, taking a warm shower, and hopping in bed to sleep may work best!
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