Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Hangover

So you drank too much on December 31 {New Year's Eve} bringing in the new year, now you can't stop the ringing in your ears... or the pounding headache which is one of the most common symptoms of a hangover. Other symptoms include; nausea, extreme thirst, and tiredness. Alcohol dehydrates the body. It also begins stripping vitamins from the body with B and C being at the top of the list. Alcohol can be poisonous if you put too much of it in your body at once, then you can die. Depending on the severity of your hangover, you may feel like you want to.

"The oldest hangover remedy is to simply keep drinking. The "hair of the dog" method of self-medication has been around since alcohol was invented, although the canine-related term is actually British (it refers to an old folk remedy for a rabid dog bite)." {Time Magazine}

Well, at this point, it's worth a try. However, for future reference, it might do you well to practice some prevention methods:

The Top Five Hangover Preventions
1. Drink water while drinking alcohol {I've heard this can speed up the process of alcohol, but if it works for you, sweet!}
2. Snack while drinking {Lining the stomach with dry crackers or pretzels can't hurt}
3. Drink high quality alcohol {Premium > Well, enough said}
4. Take B-Complex and Vitamin C {Fortify the body before drinking}
5. Take Ibuprofen {Not aspirin which can cause liver damage when combined with the alcohol in your body}

As far as a cure for the hangover already in place; with all of the "old wives' tales" I've heard, drinking water, taking a warm shower, and hopping in bed to sleep may work best!

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